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  • Strong consultancy experience: passionately serving a range of clients since 2014. A wealth of experience in designing and managing consulting projects, and working from distance with clients worldwide.

  • Highly analytical: strong track record in delivering action-orientated research.

  • Experience with high-level clients: contracted by senior UN officers at headquarters and field-office level, and worked with senior civil servants from numerous governments.

  • Published widely: excellent English writing skills, honed from writing UN and think tank publications, as well as freelance writing for The Guardian and The Sunday Times.

  • International experience: consultancy experience spans continents and language.


Fluent in: English, French, Chinese, Spanish


University of London (SOAS) (2015-2016)

Master of Science in Public Policy and Management (part-time)

McGill University (2008-2011)

Bachelor of Arts in Economics, Finance and Advanced Chinese

Peking University (2009) 

University exchange (intensive course in Chinese)



  • Expertise: policy and program development and analysis, project management, stakeholder mapping, project cycle and management, Monitoring & Evaluation, organizational strategy development, strategic communications, and advocacy.

  • Thematic specialisms: migration, development and protection (migration and development nexus (diaspora issues and remittances), human trafficking, migrant smuggling, refugee and asylum issues, child protection, South-South migration routes), Sino-African relations, South-South Cooperation, development financing, EU institutions and policies.




Collection of Diaspora Engagement Practices

Prepared for the Euro-African Dialogue on Migration & Development (Rabat Process).

Diaspora engagement research

Short case studies on the diasporas and diaspora engagement work of eight West African countries: Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Niger, Nigeria, and Togo.

IOM South Sudan trafficking in persons assessment

The report is the first dedicated study into Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in South Sudan, aimed at determining the prevalence of TIP in the country, its push and pull factors, and evidence-based recommendations to strengthen the national TIP response.

Rapport d’évaluation de base : Cartographie des zones à risque ou de départs de la migration irrégulière suivie d’une évaluation du système juridique au Sénégal en vue de lutter contre le trafic des migrants, IOM, July 2016

African Countries Relax Short-Term Visa Policies for Chinese in Sign of Increased Openness to Chin

African Countries Relax Short-Term Visa Policies for Chinese in Sign of Increased Openness to China

Implementing ACP-EU Cooperation on Migration and Development: A collection of good practices and lessons learned from the ACP-EU Migration Action, IOM, June 2019

The Development of the AU Free Movement of Persons Protocol: Origins, Objectives and Key Concerns, GIZ, September 2018

Fighting human trafficking and migrant smuggling in West and Southern Africa, ACP-EU Migration Action Newsletter (4), IOM, September 2017

Rapport d’évaluation de base : Evaluation des dispositifs nationaux de lutte contre la traite des personnes et la prise en charge des victimes en Guinée, IOM, September 2016


  • Nominated as UK Freelancer of the Year 2019 by the UK Association for Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE).  

  • Guest lectured and spoken on migration and diaspora issues at the University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies, UNU-MERIT, and the Global Albanians Diaspora FLET 2020. 


  • Trained North Korean women entrepreneurs on individualized entrepreneurship on the behalf of Choson Exchange, a Singaporean NGO. 


  • Reported and photographed for The Guardian, The Sunday Times and BBC World (news reporting on the Burkina Faso coup) 



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Belgium, Ecuador, Madagascar, Nepal

Provided technical input into three assessment reports that explore the extent to migration mainstreaming into education and rural development in Ecuador, Nepal and Madagascar.


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Belgium, Ghana, Guyana, Vanuatu

Led a team of three other experts to develop a publication that reviews the work of the ACP-EU Migration Action Programme, in order to highlight and share policy practices from their technical assistance work with governments across Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific.


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UK, DR Congo

Conducted an unprecedented analysis of Chinese investment in the formal copper/cobalt sector in the DR Congo to better understand the market trends and linkages with transparency, environmental and human rights issues. I was one of few consultants who were able to access and directly interview high-level Chinese mining executives.


Image by Yaopey Yong


Supported a series of meetings to develop Save the Children’s China Programme strategy to “engage China to make the world a better place for children”, involving senior representatives from Save the Children China and Save the Children International, as well as selected external experts.

2014 - 2016


Burkina Faso, Togo

Contracted to write the IOM's National Strategies 2015-2017 for Burkina Faso and Togo, with focuses on diaspora engagement, border control, human trafficking, migrant smuggling and forced migration.


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